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时间:2019-12-14 17:08:19 点击:

报告题目:From Surface Modification to Energy Storage and Conversion

报 告 人 :Prof. Hyacinthe Randriamahazaka, Université de Paris


报告人简介:Hyacinthe Randriamahazaka had received his Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry in 1991 from Université François Rabelais at Tours, France. From 1992, he worked as Associate Professor at Université Cergy-Pontoise in France. In 2005, he moved to Université Paris Diderot – Sorbonne Paris Cité as full Professor. He leads Surfaces – Ionic liquids – ELectrochemistry – Energy (SIELE) group within the laboratory ITODYS (CNRS UMR 7086). His major interest is in understanding the electrodeposition and electrografting processes, the photoelectrochemical processes, the heterogeneous electron transfer mechanisms, the charge transfer within organic and carbon based materials, particularly in room temperature ionic liquids environment. These studies focused on the development of various electrochemical devices (supercapacitors, artificial photosynthesis, redox-flow batteries, actuators, and nanogenerators). He is involved in many national and international projects (China, Japan, Singapore, Korea) supported by CNRS, the French Agency for Research ANR, and European Union within the FP7 and H2020 programmes. Hyacinthe Randriamahazaka is now First Class Professor, and was Deputy Director of the Master Chimie Paris Cité of Université Paris Diderot until 2018 (http://www.master.chimie.univ-paris-diderot.fr/). He is member of the Excellence Network LABEX SEAM (Science and Engineering of Advance Materials) of Université Paris Sorbonne Cité (http://www.labex-seam.fr). He has published 94 peer-reviewed scientific articles in international journals, 9 book chapters, 3 registered international patents, 75 invited international conferences, and 90 oral communications in national and international.



报告题目:Multifunctional nanomaterials for environmental science and nanomedicine

报 告 人 :Prof. Miryana Hémadi, Université de Paris


报告人简介:Miryana Hémadi received her PhD in Physical Chemistry from Université Paris Diderot in 2004. During her 3-year post-doc from 2005 to 2008 at the Collège de France, she acquired skills and expertise on the synthesis of nanoparticles by soft chemistry and on the encapsulation of microorganisms in silica gel by sol-gel chemistry, and at Université Paris Diderot in the field of protein-protein interaction, iron transport in biological media and heavy-metal chelation. In September 2008 she became Assistant Professor at Université Paris Diderot (196 h courses per year). After obtaining my Habilitation degree (HDR), i.e. Accreditation to Direct Research, in June 2016, she became Associate Professor. She has expertise on iron transport in biological media, on heavy-metal chelation for decontamination, on surface functionalization and on drug targeting and delivery in cancerous and infected cells by the main iron-acquisition pathway.

She is currently developing her own research topics based on the synthesis of nanomaterials (iron oxide nanoparticles, Carbon Dots, etc.) and their surface functionalization with proteins and chelating agents for biomedical applications (drug delivery/drug targeting, thermal therapies in cancerous or infected cells) and also for environmental issues (decontamination from heavy metals and other pollutants; extraction by magnetic harvesting).



