报告题目:Lecture on Lattice Gauge Theories
报 告 人:Dr. Akio Tomiya (富谷昭夫)
报告时间: 2019年11月18日 9:00 ~ 12:00
2019年11月19日 9:00 ~ 12:00
报告地点:中心校区物理楼 331室
报告摘要: Akio Tomiya got Ph.D at Osaka University, Japan, in 2015, then moved to CCNU, Wuhan, China, as a postdoc and is currently working at RIKEN-BNL, US as a special postdoc. He will give a lecture on lattice gauge theories for two days as above. The table of contents is (tentatively) constructed as follows:
11/18 Sec.1: Introduction;
Sec.2: One dimensional Ising model;
Sec.3: Review of QED from gauge invariance;
Sec.4: Wilson plaquette action for QED, LQED;
Sec.5.: Maxwell to Yang-Mills;
Sec.6: Lattice QED to QCD;
11/19 Sec.7: Continuum limit;
Sec.8: Fermions;
Sec.9: Numerical calculation;
Sec.10: Famous LQCD results;
Sec.11: Perspective.