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时间:2019-04-30 10:48:39 点击:

报告题目:Materials and Device Enovation for Energy and Sustainability: from 2D nanomaterial synthesis to biomedical applications

报 告 人:



报告地点:永利总站62111中心校区 唐敖庆楼9楼会议室


  This seminar covers our group’s recent work on novel 2D nanomaterials development and mechanical energy harvesting device innovations. In the first half, I will present an ionic layer epitaxy (ILE) technique that uses surfactant monolayers to serve as soft templates guiding the nucleation and growth of 2D nanomaterials in large area beyond the limitation of van der Waals solids. Through this approach, 1 to 2 nm thick, single-crystalline free-standing ZnO nanosheets with sizes up to tens of microns were synthesized at the water-air interface. So far, we have showed successful synthesis results from ZnO, CuO, and CoO, MnO2. ILE vastly broadens the range of 2D nanomaterials from layered van der Waals solids to oxide ceramics, opening up opportunities for discoveries of exciting transport, magnetic, photonic, and catalytic properties. In the second half, I will present our developments of wearable and implantable bioelectronic devices that harvest biomechanical energy and convert it into electric stimulations for medical treatments.   Both results bring a new concept in electrical therapeutic technology that is battery-free, self-activated and directly responsive to body activities.



  教授是威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校材料科学与工程系教授,Grainger工程研究所的能源与可持续发展主任,美国医学和生物工程研究所(AIMBE)的研究员。他于2005年获得佐治亚理工学院材料科学与工程博士学位,师从王中林教授。他目前的研究兴趣包括研究氧化物纳米结构的生长机理和开发组装技术; 开发先进的纳米材料和纳米设备,用于从人类活动和周围环境中获取机械能量; 并研究压电极化和半导体功能之间的耦合效应。
     2002年迄今在包括Science, Nature, Nature Energy, ACS Nano, Nano Letter, Advanced Material, Advanced Functional Material, J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 以Nano Energy内的国际知名刊物上发表约130余篇同行评审期刊论文,H-因子=57。基于他的杰出科研成就,博士于2007年被美国MIT科技展望杂志授予35岁以下年轻发明家奖;2009年美国陶瓷学会授予Ross Coffin Purdy奖;2011年获美国国防部高级研究计划局青年教师奖(DARPA Young Faculty Award);2012年获杰出青年教授奖(NSF CAREER Award);2015年获斯宾格勒学院学者奖(Spangler Faculty Scholar Award, UW-Madison)以及2017年获维拉斯学院早期职业调查员奖(Vilas Faculty Early Career Investigator Award)等奖项。


