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时间:2018-09-05 13:12:16 点击:

报告时间: 2018911 1330
报告地点:物理楼 301


报告题目:Quantum Aspects of Black Holes
人:Prof. Hossein Yavar
工作单位:Institute of Theoretical Physics, CAS

要:Black holes are the most fascinating objects in our universe. The attempt to understand them in quantum mechanics leads to several fundamental puzzles. Solution to these puzzles is probably the best clue to puzzle out quantum gravity. One may consider the present status of black hole in quantum gravity as the state of blackbody in the beginning of the last century and discovering quantum mechanics. In this talk, I will briefly review some of these puzzles and the recent approaches to answering them.


报告题目:Polarization in the GRB Jet Emission

人:兰迷香 博士后

摘要:Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are the most violent explosions in the universe. Literally, two kinds of central engines (CEs) are involved. One is black hole + accretion disk system, the other is millisecond magnetar. The information got from the traditional light curves and spectrum is limited. Study of the polarization opens a new window. In this talk, I will first give a brief introduction to the polarization. Then I will talk about 1) polarization in distinguishing the GRB CEs, 2) polarization in distinguishing the different models of GRB X-ray shallow decay phase, 3) polarization with a 3-dimensional mixed magnetic field, 4) polarization with a precessing jet.

