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时间:2017-03-24 16:34:25 点击:

报告题目:New Boundaries of Sustainable Batteries by Carbon-Based Materials

时  间:2017年3月29日 下午1:30-3:00


报  告  人:Xiulei (David) Ji

单  位:Oregon state University


  Energy storage is the absent enabler to facilitate the proliferation of renewable-but-intermittent solar and wind energy.  There are two primary metrics for stationary storage: cost and cycling life, where the latter also pertains to the cost, indeed.  It is, thus, a must to rely on Earth-abundant elements, which rules out lithium-based devices for the storage purposes as lithium is rare and its supply is geopolitically challenged.  This warrants attention for alternative batteries.  At Oregon State University, we focus on pushing the boundaries of intercalation chemistry via carbon-based materials for sustainable energy storage solutions.  We investigate structure-property correlations as design principles for electrodes in emerging redox chemistries, including sodium-ion batteries (NIBs), potassium-ion batteries (KIBs), dual-ion batteries (DIBs), and recently hydronium-ion batteries (HIBs).  The electrode materials we currently study include non-graphitic carbon, such as hard carbon and soft carbon, and crystalline organic solids, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).


  纪秀磊博士于2003年在永利总站62111化学系取得学士学位。后前往加拿大滑铁卢大学,师从Linda F. Nazar 教授,从事功能纳米材料的设计、合成,和在新型电池中应用的研究, 并分别在2006年和2009年取得硕士和博士学位。2010年获得加拿大国家自然科学和工程研究委员会博士后研究奖金的资助,前往美国加州大学圣巴巴拉分校从事博士后研究,师从 Galen D. Stucky 教授。2012年至今,纪博士作为助理教授在俄勒冈州立大学化学系建立并领导能量材料化学实验室,主要从事碳元素的设计与合成,领域涵盖各种电池,电容器及催化剂载体。目前,纪博士已在包括Nature Materials,EES,JACS,Advanced Materials,Nature Communications等学术期刊上发表文章63篇,总引用次数超过7000次。

